The original deed abstract dating back to 1851 was recorded in the County of Washington, Wisconsin. Ozaukee county was not yet incorporated as a county.

The 80 acres was purchased from a land speculator, Johann Poth and his wife Theresa Poth. They purchased land in Mequon from the Government for $1.25 per acre. They also purchased land in the Town of Wilson, Sheboygan, Wisconsin.

The purchase of 80 acres by Peter and Anna Guidinger in 1851 for $785.00 or $9.81 per acre, is shown by these original deeds to the property.

In 1885, Peter Guidinger sold the land to his son Peter Guidinger for $1.00 (see warranty deed) The other children of Peter Guidinger received a cash payout for their share of the farm. Those receipts can be seen under some of Peter's childrens names in this site. The image of the 1890 tax receipts are for the 80 acre farm.


deed 1851 part 1
deed 1851 part 2
deed 1851 part 3
deed 1885 part 1
deed 1885 part 2
deed 1885 part 3
tax receipts 1890